
Dana and I took in Cirque de Soleil's Amaluna last week.  Highly recommended.  Amaluna departed from past performances we've seen in that both the individual and collective performances seemed to emote more personal power in the way the performers rendered their movements.  They also employed more elements of surprise in the performance.  Again, highly recommended.

Beginner Fog

Was cycling my usual loop around SF the other morning and noticed the fog making this half-hearted attempt at an appearance.  Took one picture.  Couldn't see the display without my glasses, so I hoped for the best.

Together again

Integrating things from two households into one has been a project, but surprisingly and delightfully grounding.  Snapped this picture yesterday morning in a quiet moment.  No, I didn't arrange that.  It's just where I put the gong down after a 90-minute effort to remove 10 years of accumulated oxidation in the Hawaiian sea air.