Backroads Tuscany & Montepulciano

We visited Mozart Vineyard. Only after we stopped and rolled down the windows did the winery name make sense. As can be seen in the photo, they have mounted Bose speakers on robust posts throughout the vineyard. Playing over those speakers, presumably to soothe the grapevines to produce the sweetest of fruit, is delicious Mozart. 

We meandered our way to  the centuries-old hilltop village of Monteciano--the rest of these photos are from there.

Arrived at Lucca

While waiting for our hostess to let us in, Dana took this shot less than a 100 feet from our b&b. too cute for words. Long trip with 5-hr layover in Amsterdam, and confusing bus transfer in Florence, but oh so worth it. This town is magical.  Below is our front door. 

Cooking Duck Confit with a Grand Master

Yesterday Dana and I had the good fortune to attend the inaugural cooking class held by Chef Kai.  One word:  Wow.  

Kai was flawlessly prepared, had thought through the lesson logistics and even sent us home with individual portions of duck confit (which takes three days to cure—Kai had thoughtfully pre-cured enough duck for the lesson, and wanted us to participate in that process too and since it takes three days, he sent us home, each with our own leg of duck to enjoy in three days time).  Not only that, he masterfully facilitated the five of us students becoming acquainted so we had just enough context to know where each of us were in cooking skills and what we hoped to gain from the class.

Not only is he an amazing chef, the introduction questions Kai asks of his meet-up applicants ensured that the participants were of fairly like minds in their approach and goals in cooking.  All of which made for a fabulous experience.  We learned to make a terrific dish, made some excellent new acquaintances and ate a delightful meal—we prepared with our own hands.