Celebrating Cute

One of Japan's most endearing qualities—beyond the people themselves—is its celebration of cuteness in general. 

This shot is Dana conducting a 'size check' of her feet against those embedded in the subway platform floor showing where one should stand while waiting for passengers to disembark the subway car prior to boarding. There's something comforting about being 'right size' when you're so used to being 'under tall' in your home country.

This bouquet of flowers was given to us upon arrival in Tokyo by our friends Hiromi-san and Naoto-san. They brightened our Airbnb room during our week there.

While cherry blossom stalking in the Kyoto Imperial Palace, we happened upon this gentleman setting up this 'photo op' with his three cute four-legged friends. No 'tip-jar' was in evidence. Just for fun, he had his dogs decked out for show and happily engaged those compelled—like us—to capture this cuteness injection.

On our way walking to the monthly antique market at To-ji Temple in Kyoto (recommended, BTW), while waiting for the light to change, a bicycle showed up carrying a backpack full of cuteness. Dana managed to snag this shot before it headed down the lane ahead of us.

And on our final full day in Kyoto, heading out on our cherry blossom quest, for a jarring moment, we thought we were seeing double. I snagged this shot just before they turned toward the subway entrance. They were in fact twins—taking their identical cuteness seriously.